How to Journal: On Reflection and Change
/If you have been feeling stuck lately or uninspired by the same routine and expectations that your daily schedule has been providing you, consider a few journaling prompts to dive deeper beyond what is being provided to you at surface level.
But really, ask yourself when you are quiet and alone, what is my body telling me that I want? Do I want more movement, more relaxation, more indulgent food, more family time? Notice that your body will intuitively tell you through physiological factors that show up on a daily basis: headaches, indigestion, tension in the body, or perhaps even an openness in the body to explore new modes of energy, seeking adrenaline, etc.
Make a list of 10 items that your body is craving in the present moment. You’d be surprised that what comes up may not have been addressed in the past few days.
We often get bogged down by other people’s needs or misinterpret other people’s expectations as our own. Certain items may have been written on your mirror, on your refridgerator, reside in reminders on your phone, but you have kept delaying them, waiting for the one rainy day, or ‘one day when I feel like it’ to address them. Perhaps you need to focus more on your finances and could focus on saving more of your money rather than splurging. Or you have put your emotional health on pause at the expense of acting as your family’s therapist. Trust your gut instinct when honing in on the important things that you need to bring more focus and light on.
Here, list 10 things you have been putting off.
Since 2020 arrived on our calendars, we were awaiting an immaculate beginning of a new decade, this fresh start, a journey into an exciting venture that we were afraid to start in the previous decade. But now we are here, midway through this crazy year. Accepting isolation practices, establishing safe social distances, speaking up on behalf of oppressed voices, challenging systemic constitutions that segregated race based on the greed of capitalism. We have a lot to grow from this year, and we have a long way yet to grow. So while we may have felt like most of this year was an act of punishment and condemnation on our happiness, it was really a life lesson to wake the f*** up and start realizing what was serving us in this life time and what was simply masked behind political propaganda and capitalist facades.