Top 10 Tips to Prepare for Spring
/1) Clean and Purge Your Living Space.
Doing a deep clean and ventilating out your home rids it of any stagnant energy from the winter season.
Get rid of old leftover food, ingredients, clothing, cleaning supplies, stationary and more that no longer serve you and have been collecting dust for the past season. Being reminded of clutter from old experiences does not serve you into inviting lighter energy into the Spring season.
2) Write down a few Intentions.
Write down a few intentions on mini scraps of paper. Go outside and plant them deep into the Earth, beside a garden or an existing tree.
This practice works! Get really clear on the intentions that you hope to focus on these next few weeks as we watch our own seeds germinate in our backyards and parks.
3) Go to bed earlier.
Set an alarm for a time when the sun would normally come up. Try to get in 7-8 hours of deep, quality sleep.
Allowing your circadian rhythm to follow the natural cycle of the rise and set of the sun allows you to feel more energized throughout the day. In addition, you may also see an equilibrium in your metabolic rate and stress levels, according to the amount of sunlight that you are exposed to.
4) Get plenty of Vitamin D
Whether it's through natural sun exposure for 20 minutes or through supplementation, seek advice from a nutritionist or RD if you are not getting enough.
Vitamin D is a natural happiness booster and can help with regulating your metabolism, which in turn, helps maintain your stress levels and the quality of your sleep and rest.
5) Stay Hydrated.
Aim for 6-8 glasses of water or fluids to keep your body hydrated throughout the day.
6) Start a regular dry-brushing or exfoliation routine.
Dry-brushing is amazing to boost circulation, which in turn gives your complexion a rosy glow on a daily basis.
After the dry winter months, it is recommended to regularly exfoliate to remove the dead skin cell layers that has accumulated over the skin's external surface. Dry-brushing is an inexpensive way to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, improve blood and circulation, and move lymph throughout the body for detoxificaion. The best part is that you can do it everyday gently before hopping into the shower!
7) Air out your Laundry.
Open up your windows and start hang drying your laundry - your bedsheets, comforter, blankets, pillows.
Using fresh air to dry out your heavily-used garments and products helps to remove airborne bacteria that may have been stuck indoors during the winter months.
8) Opt to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
While many produce start to become in season in the Spring season, look to support local farmers and buy organic when you can.
Look to incorporate a well-balanced diet with colorful fruits and vegetables that will enhance your vitamin and mineral intake. Many dark green, leafy vegetables for example are potent alkalinizers of your blood, which can help reduce inflammation in the circulatory system and give you a boost of natural energy.
9) Go for a walk in nature.
Disconnect from your mobile devices and go for a walk in a forest, park, or greenspace. Take in the new buds, birds, and fresh dew on the foliage. Notice all the signs of birth that come up as you walk.
As you walk, state out loud a few things that you are grateful for as you enter a period of brighter, longer days. Be mindful of each step that you take and consider how each of your ecological footprints makes an impact on your environment.
10) Incorporate a grounding practice.
Whether it's Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, or a standing meditation series, find an opportunity to get barefoot and root down into the ground.
There is something incredibly powerful about rooting down and using the grounding energy of the Earth to support your breathwork, movement, and conscious thinking. As we grow our own roots into ground, we can feel more steady and purposeful of our efforts over time.