What is your Emotional Propensity for Change?

Tonight is a Full Moon in Pisces, the adventure-driven fish that is caught deep within its waves of fantasy and emotions.


Where can we be a little bit more fluid in our day and where can we bit a little bit more still in the subtle shifts taking place around us?

Are you ready for the September that is about to shift our global consciousness to the Extreme?!

As the weather begins to change and the sunsets wane every evening, the days becoming shorter and shorter, where is our capacity to embrace all of the present gifts and offerings?

For me personally, I’ve been taking large steps to prepare for my move to Germany (packing away clothing, giving away larger items away, cleaning the house, and searching for full-time employment in Berlin), and while I have had many days to research, get organized, and clean, I am so grateful for these days in between where I can sit and relish in the backyard with the dogs the amazing and focused summer that this has been.

I have been saying No to many new opportunities which may seem very difficult for me, as September always harbours change, new projects and collaborative efforts. The effort of purging many old items while packing has made me realize how very little a human individual actually requires as an essential item to pursue four seasons in another city in the world. Of course, there is also the extreme of packing like a minimalist (i.e. four interchangeable outfits and limited undergarments). Last year, I packed light for three weeks while travelling around Europe and I made it out alive with just a backpack and a carry-on, roll-on luggage.

These past two seasons has been very uplifting for me personally, as I was curious to try and seek the help from professionals such as therapists and life coaches to aid me in my professional journey as I move forward as a wellness advocate and arts facilitator. With the pandemic, it has been an interesting experiment of prioritizing my time wisely to insert a psychotherapy session at least once every two weeks. Each session has actually been something I’ve REALLY looked forward to as a recollection of my thoughts and summary of my worries poured out into one direct vacuum. (I HIGHLY recommend considering therapy, if you’ve been curious about it and have been thinking about it for a while. It helps wonder to improve your own waking and sleeping states, mental health, productivity, and overall well-being). I found my therapist through Shift Collab, whom tries to break down social barriers and normalize therapy and social work for working professionals.

As I move into a state of transience, packing valuables and belongings into hidden compartments, relishing on all the amazing experiences outdoors - from stand up paddleboarding, to bike rides along the beach, to housewarming parties with old friends, to birthdays on patios and midnight picnics in the park, I am TRULY grateful and blessed to have spent SO much time with almost all of my favourite human beings.

Living slow with unconditional love and unobstructed attention has been kind of nice, ya know?


"We don't see things 

as they are

We see them

as WE are."

A gentle reminder to ease into September with a side of caution.

While we may have spent the entire summer enjoying a particular lifestyle and accomodating for friends and family, know that not every individual has been living the ideal. As we are all on a rampant pace to resume our busy lives as we move in September, just pause for a moment and witness the reactions from other people. Our perceptions are only limited to our own scope of understanding and how much we've put on our plate this year.

But just think, we are all attempting to resume our lives at different paces and different points of our comfort levels.

There is an innate desire for us all to do well together.

Let's take the time to step back just for a little while longer.

What emotions are coming up for you today and what are you ready just to settle with and let go?