10 Reasons Why You Should Exercise and Practise Yoga Outdoors

10 Reasons Why You Should Exercise and Practise Yoga Outdoors

I want to mention that many of my favourite yoga classes and functional fitness training sessions were hosted outdoors in parks, beachside and in the woods in uncrowded areas. If you didn’t know, I first became inspired to teach yoga after practising outdoors at sunrise and sunset on the beautiful cliffsides of Melides, just steps away from the Pacific coastlines of Portugal. There is a magical connection with nature when we match our breath, energy, and intention with the environments around us. If you have been missing your favourite gym, recreation centre, or personal trainer, you can adjust your workout and activities to take place outdoors.

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Finding Love, Seeking Humility

Finding Love, Seeking Humility

How much my body has been processing change. Moon cycles, puking, insomnia, chills while sleeping at night, headaches, tight psoas, irritated throat. The thing about travel that I hate and love is making the most of every moment but also at what expense of exhausting the body down? I have given myself many opportunities to sleep, rest, stretch, decompress, meditate, journal, and simply doing nothing seems to be the best anecdote.

Here is a recap of my three weeks in Europe (a very spontaneous and immediate trip, albeit very fulfilling and self-actualizing). Some of the paragraphs were written on train rides while scribbling to-do lists, places to visit, hostels to stay at, and sketches that remain in my small notebook.

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